What is the difference between a Page and a Template?

Posted by NanoTutor | Wednesday, February 18, 2009 | | 0 comments »

link source : www.pradoframework.com
Strictly speaking, these two are different concepts in PRADO and are inappropriate for comparison. Controls, i.e., components capable of presentation and user interaction, can have templates to help organize their presentation layout. A page is a special kind of control that may be requested directly by end-users, while other controls are managed by a page.


* must have templates (.page files)
* do not require page classes and default to TPage if none is specified
* allow page classes, but they must extend TPage
o TPage is a subclass of TTemplateControl

Non-page controls

* must have control classes
* may have associated templates (.tpl files) if the control classes extends TTemplateControl