How can I make my blog load faster?

Posted by NanoTutor | Thursday, February 26, 2009 | | 2 comments »

Link Source :
The speed at which your blog loads is critical to attracting more readers to your blog. If your blog takes a long time to load, many readers may leave your blog before they have the chance to read it. Here are a few tips and tricks that will help your blog load faster and attract more users:

Your blog's load time can be affected by the number of posts you display on your main page. You can easily edit the number of posts displayed of the main page from the Settings | Formatting tab. You can then select the number of posts you want to display on the main page. We recommend displaying 10 or fewer posts on the main page.
Third Party JavaScript and Links

For optimal blog load speed, we recommend using Google/Blogger widgets, JavaScipt and links. However, if you need to use third party JavaScipt and links, your blog will load much faster if you put all JavaScript at the bottom of your blog. If you have third party JavaScript and links in your sidebar, put them in at the bottom of the sidebar.
Images and Media

The more images, videos and other multi-media you have on your blog the longer it will take to load. However, images and other multimedia are important to attracting users to your blog, so it is important to optimize the load speed of your images and media. Here are a few tips to increase the load speed of your media:

* Decrease the size of your images or use thumbnails that link to the full-size image.
* If you use third party images, consider uploading them to Picasa Web Albums via the Blogger post editor.
* If you have a large number of images to display, you can upload all your images (from a vacation or event) to a Picasa Web Album and link to the album in your post or sidebar.

Other suggestions

* If you've added any custom CSS to your blog, make sure you put it at the top of the page.
* The most important content of your blog that catches readers attention should load the quickest. To help you identify which items are taking the longest to load you can use Stopwatch. To use Stopwatch, enter your blog's URL into the text box and click "Start StopWatch". Stopwatch will then open your blog in a frame and will record the time it takes for everything on your blog to load, including images, videos, widgets, etc. Take note of the items that take the longest to load and modify them appropriately using our suggestions.


What is SEO?

Posted by NanoTutor | Thursday, February 26, 2009 | | 1 comments »

Source :

One of the many indications of a successful website is traffic. Traffic shows that tune by website visitors. One effective way to bring visitors to the website is through search engine. Usually the visitor will find the website through search engines by using keywords or keyword.

Hope the website owner of course appear in the top search results on search engines because the tendency will of course visitors to click on results - results that appear top.

The question then is how our website can appear on the search results for search engine keywords - keywords that are relevant to our website content? Further how we can so that the website appears on top in order to attract more visitors?

SEO solution
SEO is the process of a web page that can be read better by search engines which are crawler (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.). SEO process can involve a web page itself, but does not also involve the possibility that other website.

Not all of the website be properly by search engines. Website that use the full flash at all at this time can not be read properly by search engines, while the website will meet the W3C standard can be read perfectly by search engines. Search engines will also be difficult to read the web using JavaScript and web navigation with the frame.

Many factors that determine success in SEO. In addition, the method for search engines to index the search results are often changed. Therefore, the SEO can be said is very dynamic because the method changed from time to time, and also the SEO can not guarantee whether your website will appear in the top of the search index or not. Please see the article - an article about SEO in this website and start generate traffic from search engines. Cheers!


Variable in PHP

Posted by NanoTutor | Wednesday, February 25, 2009 | | 0 comments »

PHP recognize the existence of variables and operators, as other programming languages. Required to declare the variable and the value of a. The operator is required to perform mathematical calculations, giving values to variables in a particular, and to compare the value of two variables.

What are the variables?
Variables used to store data temporarily and the value can change each time the program is run. Data stored in the variable will be lost after the program finished executable.

PHP Variable and Value Types
PHP variables start with 'Variable name can be a combination of alphabet letters, numbers with a maximum length of 32 characters. Variable names are case-sensitive. Variable name can only be beginning with the letter or underscore, then the characters can be letters, numbers, and underscores. To be able to use variables, need to be two things:


Declaration of variables is introduced to the program. In writing the PHP script, often combined with a declaration initialization. Example:

$ value, $ day.

Variable initialization is to provide a value for the first time to a variable. Example: Value = $ 50, $ = NamaHari Monday.

PHP variables have some type of value that is:

Integer (Numbers rounded)
The integer can be written in the form of:
Decimal number, for example: $ a = 1234;
Negative decimal number, for example: $ a = -123;
Hexadecimal number, for example: $ a = 0x1A with the same number of decimal 26;
Octal numbers, for example: $ a = 0123; with the same number of decimal 83
Floating Point
Floating Point Numbers can be declared using the following syntax:
$ a = 1234;
$ b = 1.2e3;
A maximum value of the Floating Point ~ 1.8e308 is reached with the accuracy 14 decimal digits.
Syntax string variables can be written in 3 ways, namely: Using single quotes ( ') example:
$ str = 'Hello Nano';
Using double quotes ( ") example:
$ str = "Hallo";
Using sign heredoc (<<<)


About HTML

Posted by NanoTutor | Tuesday, February 24, 2009 | | 1 comments »

Introduction to HTML

HTML (hypertext markup language) is a language that uses a simple command in the standard ASCII text document to provide a visual display that is integrated. HTML consists of simple commands that describe how the structure of the document, but does not do formatting. The browser will display the HTML formatting and display HTML, so adjust according to the visitor's computer screen.

HTML tag using the form <...> that a web browser how to display page elements such as text or graphics. HTML code is located between the container tags with <..tag_name> beginning and end with <..> with '/'.

HTML tags have three main units, the HTML, HEAD and BODY. HTML tags represent a function of the HTML document, tags HEAD function provides information about the document, and determine how the BODY tag contents of a document displayed by the browser.

HTML example script:
Views in the Browser:
In the BODY tag you can write a script to set the HTML view as a background color, font size, font type, font color, links to other documents, add images and so forth.
If the script with the HTML course we can create a web page that is good, and why you need to add a PHP script? PHP create HTML web pages to be dynamic. HTML combined with the PHP script will generate a dynamic web views, beautiful, and interactive. PHP and HTML will be mutual cooperation. PHP can generate HTML, and HTML can forward the information to PHP.


Do you need music for your Karaoke party, or just want to sing along to your favorite song without those pesky singers getting in your way? Here's a few ways to get a song without any vocals.

Find Instrumental Versions
1. Go to any search engine, like Google, and type the name of the song, the artist, or both. Put the song name in quotes to narrow the search.
2. Add the word "instrumental" or "karaoke" to the search.
3. Add the word "MP3" to your search if needed; it may expand/narrow the range.
4. Make sure the song you're downloading is legal and virus free.

Automatically Removing Vocals with Wavosaur

1. Get the audio editing program "Wavosaur"
2. Open up the song
3. Go to process>effects>vocal remover
4. Does exactly what is outlined underneath.
5. Save it as .wav

Removing Vocals Yourself
1. Get the regular MP3/OGG/WAV of the song you want. Make sure it's legal, in stereo and of the highest possible quality (at least 128kfor MP3, 192k is better)
2. Obtain a copy of the free audio editor Audacity. Other programs are available, but they usually cost and this will do fine. Install the program, read the help files and familiarize yourself with the interface, as the individual instructions are beyond the scope of this article.
* Download the LAME MP3 codec if you want to export your project to MP3, and install it per the instructions for Audacity.
3. Import the MP3 to a new project in Audacity.
4. Open the track menu (click the arrow next to the track title), and choose “Split Stereo Track.”
5. Select the lower track (the right channel) by clicking it in the area around the mute/solo buttons.
6. cut the bass out of the second channel from around 100hz and below (adjust cut frequency to keep bass guitar, kick drum and other bass instruments that are below voice frequencies)
7. Choose “Invert” from the Effects menu.
8. Using the track menus, change each track to “Mono.”
9. Listen to your track, and if it sounds alright to you, go ahead and export it to MP3 or WAV, depending on what you need.

* The better the original song, the better your vocal-less version will sound.
* Make sure your MP3 is in stereo, or this will not work.
* Avoid "Vocal Cut" and other similar features in audio programs. They usually do this same thing, or attempt worse procedures, and never sound as good as doing it manually.
* This process works by "cancelling out" all the information in the exact center of a stereo recording, through Phase Inversion. This is usually where vocals reside, but, the center pan will also generally contain the drum/bass tracks on most songs, and you'll lose most of those as well.
* Don't be surprised if "echos" of the vocals remain. Unless the vocal is perfectly clean, and centered on the track, any reverb or flanger effects will most likely stay present. This also applies to backing vocals.
* If this process makes the song unlistenable, there are ways to fine-tune the procedure. However, the discussion on audio theory and technical details is beyond this article. Searching the Internet will possibly find you some more help, if you need it.
* To check if your song can become vocal-less, on your MP3 player or whatever multimedia player you use put on the song you wish to turn into a karaoke, as the song plays unplug your headphones and put them slightly in so you can still hear the music and lightly push in the headphones until you can't hear the vocalist and once your on the stage you can't hear much of the vocalist hold in where the position of the earphones are in (Caution: this can damage your earphones so be sure you are using old ones) if during the process you can still hear the vocalist clearly, then it's a clear answer that you cannot turn the song into a karaoke but if you can still hear the echoes of the vocalist then it's okay for the song to become karaoke. This is useful because you can determine if the song you want as a karaoke can be vocal-less.
* For more luck with this procedure, try following these steps on tracks from a band that you know was self-recorded, or did not seek the use of a professional for recording.

Things You'll Need
* Audacity, the free audio editor (or similar)
* A copy (MP3/OGG/WAV) of the song you want
* Moderate technical knowledge
* Patience


7 Cool Software Easter Eggs To Discover

Posted by NanoTutor | Monday, February 23, 2009 | | 0 comments »

Easter eggs

In the virtual world, it’s little lines of code inserted into the main programs that show up through a combination of key strokes or commands. Often it is a prank or just a bit of playful ego on the part of the programmer that ‘hatches the egg’ but for us common folks the discovery is unexpected fun.

So here’s a look at the basket of some popular software Easter eggs found in some common Windows applications…

1. Solitaire is easy (only in XP)
If you are finding it difficult to win in Solitaire, just press Alt + Shift + 2. Presto! The game ends and you win.

2.Foul play at FreeCell (only in XP)
Start a new FreeCell game. Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 during play. A dialog box appears asking you to Abort, Retry or Ignore. Select Abort and then move any card anywhere to win the game.

3.Window speaks proper (only in XP)
Go to Control Panel, open up the Speech properties applet and in the Preview field type ‘Crotch’ (without the quote). The voice preview says “Crow’s nest” instead.

4.Windows Welcome Music (only in XP)
An ambient music track you might not have heard before. Navigate to C:WindowsSystem32. We are looking for a folder named ‘oobe’. This folder has a subfolder named ‘images’. In ‘images’ click on the sound file called ‘title.wma’ to hear the soothing track – Windows welcome music.

5.Firefox’s comeback
This was supposedly a rejoinder to the Internet Explorer 5’s own joke that the Mozilla browser caused system crashes. To see Firefox’s reply type ‘about:Mozilla’ (without the quotes) in the address bar and hit it.

6.Firefox and the kitchen sink
In the address bar type in ‘about kitchensink’ (without the quote but with a space). Look at the interesting graphic that opens up.

7.Running Firefox within another Firefox
There doesn’t seem to be any apparent use for this but if you type in chrome://browser/content/browser.xul in the address bar, it will open up another Firefox instance but within the first browser.


SEO Tips-1

Posted by NanoTutor | Monday, February 23, 2009 | | 3 comments »

Is not SEO (search engine optimization) is not liked by Google and other search engines. In the previous post I wrote:

The blog title is the first thing seen by google index. Therefore, make the title true title dg posts (articles) and content (content) a post it is very important to get a good position when people search for specific articles via the search engines (search engines) such as google, yahoo and msn.

Then, the blog title that is not how it SEO?

Following list of titles that are not SEO blog. Please added their own comments in the box if there is another:

* Welcome to My Blog or Welcome to My Blog
* Another Blog of Mine
* The Secret
* Campursari
* Etc.

Basically, the blog title that SEO is not a title that does not explain anything or no relevance with the actual blog. If you have a personal blog, should just write your name as the title.


Tips to make computer networks (LAN / Local Area Network)

Posted by NanoTutor | Monday, February 23, 2009 | | 0 comments »

computer network? what network? we often hear, but we dont know what it is.
we can imagine like our bodies network (network cells). in our bodies, every device that is connected to each other,
function with each other to work together, although each has a function of levying their own.

a system of said computer network if there is a single computer model that serves all of the tasks
computing an organization has been replaced by a set of computers that many fragmentary but
each other in performing its duties.

other definition of a computer network is a collection of computers, printers and other equipment that
connected in one unit. Information and data moving through the cable-cable or without cable, so
allows network computer users can exchange documents and data, print on a printer
together and jointly use the hardware / software that is connected to the network.

Benefits of Network Computers:

* Resource Sharing, you can use existing resources together. Eg a user who
located 100 km away from the data, does not have difficulty in using this data, as though
data is located in close proximity to us. This often means that troubleshooting computer network distance.

* Reliability, with the computer network we will have a high reliability with the resources have
alternative supplies. For example, all files can be saved or copied to two, three or more computers that
connected to the network. So that when one engine was damaged, the copy machine in the other can be used.

* Save money. Computers have a small ratio of price / performance is better than the
a large computer. Mainframe computers have such great speed approximately ten times the speed
small computer / personal. However, the price Mainframe thousand times more expensive of computer time. Imparity
the ratio of price / performance and speed of this is to make the system designer to build a system that consists of
personal computers.

The steps:

To create a small computer network (LAN), there are some equipment and materials that we need such as:

* Cramping

* Lan Tester

* Cable UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) / coaxial (rarely used)

* RJ45 Connector / coaxial cable connector

* Switch hub * min-2 units PC (Personal Computer) with LAN Card, or NIC (Network Interface Card)

Then we define the order of UTP cable that we will use in accordance with its function. eg if we wanted
connect directly from PC-PC, we use the cross, if kia-connect switch to hub first, PCHUB,
then we use straight. if we want to connect 2 LAN HUB-HUB then we use the cross,
we can also use the STARIGHT if there is one hub uplink port.

for ease in remembering the order of the cable, we can use one of the ways that I use, namely
Straight -> if OBHC Cross -> HBOC.

Straight -> OBHC

O -> white orange - orange

B -> white green - blue

H -> blue white - green

C -> white chocolate - chocolate

Cross -> HBOC

H -> white green - green

B -> white orange - blue -

O -> white blue - orange

C -> white chocolate - chocolate

if you have another way please apply, I must be as above. then please each end
tested using lan tester. if the lamp lights according to the expected, then you have succeeded in
Cramping process. please lan card installed on your PC.

to set the IP so that we think about is how no group IP that is used on your LAN. usually for
local network using the IP group 172.17.XX, 192.168.XX 202.168.XX or 10.10.XX to the local network,
minimal set is:

IP address: (example)

Subnet mask: (example)
for the default gateway you can fill in if you want to connect your local network with external networks (both
local network or other internet). for the DNS server you will be content if you are connected to the internet. This DNS server
depending on the rules established by the provider, Telkom Speedy, etc..

if you have no IP set, you can check whether your computer can communicate with
other computers, that is the way to run the ping command in the command, such as


(this command produce 4 times the response), to continue to provide the response we add the attribute-t (trace),


No response was given 3 kinds:

1. reply from ....

your computer can communicate with the purpose of your computer.

2. request time out ....

network connectivity problems with the purpose of your computer.

3. destination unreachable ....

network connection to your computer problems.


Joomla Overview

Posted by NanoTutor | Monday, February 23, 2009 | | 0 comments »

Joomla! is a content management system (CMS or CMS) is free and open (free opensource) is written using PHP and MySQL database for the internet or intranet. Joomla first released with version 1.0.0. Features Joomla! are caching system to improve performance, RSS, blogs, Polling, etc.. Joomla! use the GPL license.

Origin of the word Joomla itself comes from the Swahili word that means "togetherness."

Joomla basic principles
In general and explicit, Joomla! consist of 3 basic elements, namely the web server (webserver), PHP scripts and MySQL database. Assumed that the web server connected to the Internet / intranet that serves as a service provider site. PHP script consists of program code in the PHP language and database is the place where the content. Joomla using Apache as the web server and MySQL for basisdatanya.

First, the user requesting access to a page with Joomla execute the URL in a web browser which is then connected to the web server. This request in the more technical term known as the query string in addition there is a URL parameter also contains the content (section, category, article ID and others). Based on these parameters, the system script to contact with the Joomla database and retrieve content that is based on its parameters. Finally, the content and the templates (templates) coupled with the return and as html pages, images, css and javascript.

Package Joomla! consists of several separate parts and termodul a very flexible, can be easily developed and integrated. For example "plugins" that allow the author WikiBot in Joomla using the "Wikitags" in the article that function automatically create dynamic links to Wikipedia articles when displayed. There are more available in 1700 "plugins" which officially delegated by the OpenSourceMatters available at this time and officially moved to with the support of a more complete server.


About ActionScript 3.0

Posted by NanoTutor | Monday, February 23, 2009 | | 0 comments »

What is ActionScript?

ActionScript is a language program for the Flash Player. Have the ability as animation, data handling, and more support in the flash-based application. ActionScript executed by ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM), which is part of Flash Player. In the ActionScript code will be compile into bytecode by the compiler such as the Flex SDK and Flex Data Services. This bytecode will be placed on the SWF file, and will be executed by Flash Player. Other features of ActionScript 3.0 is a robust (fast) and is the object oriented programming.

Benefits from ActionScript 3.0
ActionScript 3.0 has the ability to recognize the previous version of the script. Designed to facilitate large-scale application development and complex use of a large set of data with object-oriented approach, and are reusable (code that can be used again). ActionScript 3.0 will be executed over ten times faster than the previous version of ActionScript.
Compatibility With Previous Versions
All versions of ActionScript can be identified using the Flash Player 9 and the latest. Here are some statements regarding the compatibility of ActionScript:
1. A SWF file can not combine ActionScript 1.0 or ActionScript 2.0 to 3.0.
2. ActionScript 3.0 can be read (load) SWF files written using ActionScript 1.0 or 2.0, but can not access the variables and functions of the SWF file.
3. SWF files written using ActionScript 1.0 / 2.0 can not read (load) SWF files written using ActionScript 3.0. This means that the SWF file generated by Flash 8 or Flex Builder 1.5 can not read SWF files written using ActionScript 3.0.
4. In general, SWF files written using version 1.0 and 2.0 must be changed if used together with SWF files written with ActionScript 3.0.
The diagram below summarizes some of the limitations of previous versions of Flash Player.


Class OOP versus Function

Posted by NanoTutor | Monday, February 23, 2009 | | 0 comments »

In the previous tutorial oop PHP, we have learned about the 5 key term in oop. But before we discuss further fifth term, we will first learn the concept of oop alias Object Oriented Programming. This concept is certainly valid for the general good of PHP and other programming such as Java support oop.

Remember this. Actual oop is a way of thinking in creating the program.

In fact in many cases, our program will not differ greatly with the methods that may be structured for this we know. But the important thing is to think how to make everything as an object. Remember this keyword: Think of an object. The more simple, when we create a program, then we will create a variety of classes that we will often use the class and we will make into an object that you can develop later.

Usually books or tutorial will be using examples of objects such as a cat, a house or car. Because the explanation that describes the process of program-based oop similar to the way we think everyday. If not, please believe you buy or read books about oop.

But I never felt that the explanation itself directly with the real examples in the real world has become an example of programming in the abstract. Because we may not make a cat or a house or car with PHP? Therefore I will give a slightly different explanation. I will not start from the example of a real example the abstract, but from the way some thought in making program. Next we see a new process of thinking oop with comparisons to the day-to-day life of yesteryear.

Hopefully more clearly.

Ok, to make it easier to imagine how to make a difference in a normal program and oop, I will submit some of the comparison between the way of thinking in the programming. Ready?

At the beginning of our career, we will generally make a program without function. For example we will create a calculator program. In this example we will focus on making the appearance.

Imagine a calculator. We definitely need to make the future look like a calculator that is not it? Where there are a few key numbers and mathematical operations, and the screen will display any of us in the press that button, and others. Furthermore, in making the program a calculator, we will create a program that long to write all the code to create the display. Start from the outside, forwarded screen, the button 1, button 2, button 3, etc, as well as key operators -, +, x and: = and a button that you create is larger than the others because it is often used.

Well, after you create quite sophisticated in the program, you certainly know that the key is making the process repeated that we can actually make a function with a variable input text will be displayed. (Remember this example is very simplified, so do not protest). So we will create a function key. Here we will make 2 types of key functions, namely small and large button (the button is of course great for the "same as" before that).

Then, after learning oop, then you will create a class called a key. This class is our design so that we can create objects with different key sizes, colors, and the event that occurred when we press the button. With oop, the class we will have a retroactive nature of programming, oop, of course, will help us to create a program based on PHP.

Explanation of the difference between the class with the function is simply the nature oop that we have ever been mentioned in the previous tutorial oop.

With such attributes, the making of the program will be much easier. For example, if you create a program and requires a specific function, you can create your own function or you will find it easier with the Internet. After you download, then you will need to learn the function and how to use it and if necessary modify the core program. This is different from the class in oop. With the class, we only need to know is just.

Explanation of this class will bring us to the explanation that uses everyday objects.

Ok, hopefully this compare with the explanation can help you understand a little oop. Next we will study the concept of thinking in the example object oop with day-to-day. This you need to connect an explanation about the nature of class earlier.


Overview of PHP-OOP

Posted by NanoTutor | Monday, February 23, 2009 | | 0 comments »

PHP support in addition to structured programming, which you have learned in the basic tutorial of PHP, also supports Object Oriented Programming, or also known as oop. Although support for the oop PHP is not as strong in Java, but PHP is mature enough to support oop. You can get a lot of class that you need on the Internet to create a program for you.

Before I need to submit, that the making of this program based oop will be very useful if you feel to make large-scale program or programs that will often have some small adjustments.

Object Oriented Programming is a way to create an object-based program, meaning you must change the way you think to be based on an object. But before we move labih far, will be introduced first with some new terms that you will often use oop in the class, object, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

Actual ability of a programming language to support oop determined by their ability to support fifth term I have mentioned in the previous paragraph. May also, or will you ever wondered what the difference between function and class in oop