Do you need music for your Karaoke party, or just want to sing along to your favorite song without those pesky singers getting in your way? Here's a few ways to get a song without any vocals.

Find Instrumental Versions
1. Go to any search engine, like Google, and type the name of the song, the artist, or both. Put the song name in quotes to narrow the search.
2. Add the word "instrumental" or "karaoke" to the search.
3. Add the word "MP3" to your search if needed; it may expand/narrow the range.
4. Make sure the song you're downloading is legal and virus free.

Automatically Removing Vocals with Wavosaur

1. Get the audio editing program "Wavosaur"
2. Open up the song
3. Go to process>effects>vocal remover
4. Does exactly what is outlined underneath.
5. Save it as .wav

Removing Vocals Yourself
1. Get the regular MP3/OGG/WAV of the song you want. Make sure it's legal, in stereo and of the highest possible quality (at least 128kfor MP3, 192k is better)
2. Obtain a copy of the free audio editor Audacity. Other programs are available, but they usually cost and this will do fine. Install the program, read the help files and familiarize yourself with the interface, as the individual instructions are beyond the scope of this article.
* Download the LAME MP3 codec if you want to export your project to MP3, and install it per the instructions for Audacity.
3. Import the MP3 to a new project in Audacity.
4. Open the track menu (click the arrow next to the track title), and choose “Split Stereo Track.”
5. Select the lower track (the right channel) by clicking it in the area around the mute/solo buttons.
6. cut the bass out of the second channel from around 100hz and below (adjust cut frequency to keep bass guitar, kick drum and other bass instruments that are below voice frequencies)
7. Choose “Invert” from the Effects menu.
8. Using the track menus, change each track to “Mono.”
9. Listen to your track, and if it sounds alright to you, go ahead and export it to MP3 or WAV, depending on what you need.

* The better the original song, the better your vocal-less version will sound.
* Make sure your MP3 is in stereo, or this will not work.
* Avoid "Vocal Cut" and other similar features in audio programs. They usually do this same thing, or attempt worse procedures, and never sound as good as doing it manually.
* This process works by "cancelling out" all the information in the exact center of a stereo recording, through Phase Inversion. This is usually where vocals reside, but, the center pan will also generally contain the drum/bass tracks on most songs, and you'll lose most of those as well.
* Don't be surprised if "echos" of the vocals remain. Unless the vocal is perfectly clean, and centered on the track, any reverb or flanger effects will most likely stay present. This also applies to backing vocals.
* If this process makes the song unlistenable, there are ways to fine-tune the procedure. However, the discussion on audio theory and technical details is beyond this article. Searching the Internet will possibly find you some more help, if you need it.
* To check if your song can become vocal-less, on your MP3 player or whatever multimedia player you use put on the song you wish to turn into a karaoke, as the song plays unplug your headphones and put them slightly in so you can still hear the music and lightly push in the headphones until you can't hear the vocalist and once your on the stage you can't hear much of the vocalist hold in where the position of the earphones are in (Caution: this can damage your earphones so be sure you are using old ones) if during the process you can still hear the vocalist clearly, then it's a clear answer that you cannot turn the song into a karaoke but if you can still hear the echoes of the vocalist then it's okay for the song to become karaoke. This is useful because you can determine if the song you want as a karaoke can be vocal-less.
* For more luck with this procedure, try following these steps on tracks from a band that you know was self-recorded, or did not seek the use of a professional for recording.

Things You'll Need
* Audacity, the free audio editor (or similar)
* A copy (MP3/OGG/WAV) of the song you want
* Moderate technical knowledge
* Patience


  1. Anonymous // November 13, 2012 at 1:25 PM  

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