Overview of PHP-OOP

Posted by NanoTutor | Monday, February 23, 2009 | | 0 comments »

PHP support in addition to structured programming, which you have learned in the basic tutorial of PHP, also supports Object Oriented Programming, or also known as oop. Although support for the oop PHP is not as strong in Java, but PHP is mature enough to support oop. You can get a lot of class that you need on the Internet to create a program for you.

Before I need to submit, that the making of this program based oop will be very useful if you feel to make large-scale program or programs that will often have some small adjustments.

Object Oriented Programming is a way to create an object-based program, meaning you must change the way you think to be based on an object. But before we move labih far, will be introduced first with some new terms that you will often use oop in the class, object, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

Actual ability of a programming language to support oop determined by their ability to support fifth term I have mentioned in the previous paragraph. May also, or will you ever wondered what the difference between function and class in oop